átrium theatre | may 2015
As a part of OFF-Biennálé's program, When Art(ist) Speak(s) Soharóza choir participated as the 'mass' in Hajnal Németh media and performance artist's play, The Loser . Andrea Csereklyei (soprano) and Kornél Mikecz (baritone) opera singers were the two main characters in this two-act play, in which the audiance could witness the fallen politician's and banker's contradictory conversation with their assistants. The choir took part as the public under control or the crowd which wants to be set free from the control. György Konrád's novel, The Pander and Josef Ackerman's (Deutsche Bank) pronouncement in 2nd April, 2009 were the base of the plot. Soharóza choir has worked together with Hajnal Németh before in connection with the Tiszaeszlár Affair in the play called False Testimony.
For more information:
Hajnal Németh: The Loser #3